Monday, May 24, 2010

A Way to Go

There's a great part somewhere in the New Testament where Jesus puts down his disciples for being too thick and not being able to decipher his parables. He tells the story from start to finish, then he has to go back over the whole thing and explain every line. ('No, see, the seed is the word - Peter! Pay attention and stop looking at that Roman statue!') You could tell right from the outset that people would get it wrong.

I can see how a man like Jesus would attract a following. Humanity hasn't changed much since his time. We like when someone can answer the tough questions for us. Whether we're busy or just plain lazy, it's nice when we don't have to suffer for our knowledge. And we're oh so grateful when someone presents us with a good, solid plan.

Some, like Peter, may even be a little distracted. I'm sure the last thing on his mind that day was being crucified upside down. If it weren't for the Lord, he could have stayed in his fishing boat and drank wine. Maybe chew a little cactus.

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